Teach your kids sustainability and environmental education through everyday tasks and purchases. Show them how easy and simple action makes a big difference.
Environmental education has never been more important.
In your quest to teach your children and help them grow, have you considered incorporating short lessons on how they can treat the world they live in with honor and respect?
There are myriad resources and materials designed to help you initiate these important conversations, but the simplest approaches are often the most effective.
Today, we're sharing a few everyday activities that can help you show your children how valuable and special the environment is, and how they can do their part to protect it.
Make Recycling Fun
When your children are little, it helps to break complicated ideas into simple tasks. While they might not be old enough to understand exactly how recycling works, you can do your part to make it fun at home!
Designate two separate waste bins in your home, and label them with easy-to-remember names, such as "bye-bye" or "reuse". Any garbage that you cannot recycle goes into the "bye-bye" bin and the "reuse" bin gets all of your recyclables.
Make a sticker chart to help your crew remember to sort the recycling. This fun video is an interactive and fun way to teach your children the basics of this process.
Go on a Nature Walk
Taking your children outside for nature walk a few times per week can be a great way to get some fresh air, engage in simple exercise, and teach your children about the world around them.
Try an easy outdoor scavenger hunt, such as the ones on this list. One of the most fun ideas is to search for the rainbow! Can your children find rocks, flowers, leaves or animals that are brown and pink? What about blue and green?
Every time you find an item, take the time to explain what it is and how it works in nature. For instance, bark helps a tree conserve water and protects its critical living systems, while ants aerate the soil and help water and oxygen reach plant roots.
Make Earth-Smart Purchases
Do your kids need new clothes? What about a new pair of shoes for the school year? Use this shopping experience as an opportunity to teach them about sustainable, vegan retail options.
Children learn by example. If they see their parents and role models making smart, Earth-conscious shopping choices, they're more likely to follow suit down the road. A great place to shop for sustainable and American made clothing is RamblersWay.com.
Plus, clothing isn't the only thing you can shop organically for. Try slowly transitioning the way you source your toiletries, furniture, and food, as well.
You can also swap single-use plastic bags for reusable grocery bags and lunch containers! If your kids always reach for plastic water bottles, invest in reusable bottles with their initials on them. They'll love toting them around and you can save more than $1,200 per year when you nix your bottled water habit.
Leave Conservation Reminders
Did you know that, on average, people waste around five gallons of water by leaving the faucet running when brushing their teeth?
If your brood is used to sudsing up while the water splashes, leave a sticky note by the sink with a fun note, such as "Turn Me Off While You Brush and Thanks So Much!" If you have older children, ask them to create the notes for their younger siblings, so everyone can be involved.
You can also try the same approach by the light switch! It's all too easy for busy, playing children to leave their overhead lights on without thinking of the energy they're spending. Leave a little note by their bedroom door that reads, "Turn Me Off During the Day, The Sun Will Light Your Way!"
Then, open their blinds and pull back their curtains so they have plenty of natural light to play!
Plant a Garden Together
There's arguably no better way to teach children about the environment than encouraging them to get their little hands dirty! If you have the space, create a simple backyard garden and plant seasonal flowers, fruits and veggies. Even if you don't have acres of land to till, a simple raised bed garden is enough to teach them the basic concepts.
Depending on their ages, encourage them to be as involved as possible. Let them water the soil, turn the compost, and pick the produce when it's ready! Then, head to the kitchen and prepare something yummy together.
Read Educational Books
There are plenty of books designed to teach kids about the importance of taking care of their environment. If your littles are very young, look for board books and short paperbacks that teach the concepts with simple language and gorgeous illustrations. These 12 books are a great place to start!
If they're a little older, encourage them to check out eco-fiction books that tackle more complicated issues, such as climate change. Ask them to prepare a short book report when they're finished, so they can teach the whole family about the concepts they've learned!
Make Environmental Education a Family Goal
Even the highest-regarded environmental experts still have plenty to learn about how to best care for our world. This is an ever-evolving subject, and a highly fascinating one at that!
If we are to protect and conserve the globe we love, this initiative must start at home. These simple environmental education ideas are a great way to help you lead by example, encouraging your whole family to follow in your footsteps.